
Showing posts from August, 2020

My Brother Has Cancer

 My brother, Shane Nuga, was diagnosed with esophageal cancer over a week ago. This brother of mine is always on the go! We, siblings, tease him that he had ants in his pants cause he can’t keep still. His attention span is about zero. When we talk on the phone, I have to hurry and say everything I need to before click! Damn it, he’s gone. As the oldest in the family, I am so blessed that he has a severe case of OCD which means he is constantly picking up after me.  But, all kidding aside; I am heartbroken that his energy has gone down a lot due to the oral chemo and other strong meds he started taking this past Monday :(  He was let go at his job because of the possible hazard he might cause driving such a big truck. I cannot help but worry because it’s like he has to start from square one. With all his heart, he wants to work to support his family and make ends meet but realistically, he may get worse before he gets better with what his medical team has planned. In an effort to help